Postdoc Researcher – Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
Prof. dr. Karana, E.
Stefano is a Postdoc at TU Delft, Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering. He researches and teaches in the area of materials for design, focusing on innovative and emerging materials and processes, including smart and bio-based materials for product and wearable applications. He explores design, knowledge transfer, and training methodologies, with an emphasis on materials experiences, sustainability, and future scenarios. On this and related topics, he has written publications (+30), co-supervised graduation projects (+20), participated in conferences, given lectures and workshops, and carried out research and consultancy activities. Stefano completed his PhD in Design, with the thesis “Design for Hybrid Material Systems. A Material Augmentation framework for meaningful experiences”, in 2021. He worked as a Research Fellow (equivalent to Postdoc researcher) at the Politecnico di Milano, Department of Design, from 2020 to 2022.
At the Politecnico di Milano, he has been working in the research projects “ICS Materials: interactive, connected and smart materials”, “De_Forma: Design Explorations on bio-Fabricated Organic Materials”, “InData: envisioning and prototyping informed by data”, and in the EU-funded projects “DATEMATS: Design-driven Approach to knowledge Transfer for Emerging Materials and Technologies”, “DESTEX: Industrial and creative Design in advanced Textile manufacturing”, “MaDe: Material Designers. Boosting Talent towards Circular Economy”.
In the meanwhile, he gained expertise in teaching, as a teaching assistant at Politecnico di Milano, School of Design, and as visiting professor in other institutions (Istituto Marangoni, SPD Scuola Politecnica di Design, Poli.Design), dealing with materials and processes, CMF (Color, Material and Finishes) and concept design. Through his professional experiences as a design consultant, he has gained practice-based expertise on design research, trends forecasting, materials and technological surveillance and scouting, concept design and CMF design in the fields of product, automotive and materials development.
He was involved in the project ICS_Materials. ICS_Materials is a fundamental research project of the Department of Design, Politecnico di Milano, inquiring about the relationship between design, new materials, and interaction. It aims to explore new classes of interactive, connected, and smart materials, unfold a definition and framework, and develop future visions and methods to design with and for them.
The PhD research is focused on the emerging field of Hybrid Material Systems, i.e., material-based systems combining inactive materials, smart material components, and embedded sensing, computing, and actuating technologies. They arise as potential enablers of meaningful dynamic and interactive experiences as tangible interfaces in a diversity of applications, from wearable devices to interactive environments. However, the design space lacks a systematised set of directions and a roadmap to approach the specific requirements of these materials. The result of the research is a methodological framework for design practitioners and students to understand and design for Hybrid Material Systems, enabling material augmentation for meaningful experiences.revious projects
Duarte Poblete, S. S., Bolzan, P., Parisi, S., Rognoli, V. (2022). Crafting Materials During COVID-19: The Locked-Down Material Lab. diid No. 77. Doi: 10.30682/diid7722
Parisi, S., Bolzan, P., Stepanovic, M., Varisco, L., Mariani, I. (2021). Between digital and physical. Envisioning and prototyping smart material systems and artifacts from data-informed scenarios. In: Proceedings of Design Culture(s), Cumulus Roma 2021. June 8-11, 2021. Sapienza University of Rome.
Parisi, S., Holzbach, M., Rognoli, V. (2021). Paving the way to post-digital smart materials. Experiments on human perception of a bio-inspired cellulose-based responsive interface. In: Proceedings of Design Culture(s), Cumulus Roma 2021. June 8-11, 2021. Sapienza University of Rome.
Rognoli, V., Parisi, S. (2021), DIY-Materials research group: bio-driven material thinking and making. In: A. Arruda (Ed), Incomplete map about creative units in Bionics, Biodesign and Biomimetics. Transdisciplinary aspects for a project culture, 162-187. Blucher.
Rognoli, V., Parisi, S. (2021). Material Tinkering and Creativity. In: L. Cleries, V. Rognoli, S. Solanki, P. Llorach (Eds), Material Designers. Boosting talent towards circular economies, 20-25. http://materialdesigners.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/MaDe-Book-1.pdf
Rognoli, V., Parisi, S. (2021). ICS Materiality: the phenomenon of interactive, connected, and smart materials as enablers of new materials experiences. In: V. Rognoli, V. Ferraro (Eds), ICS Materials: interactive, connected, and smart materials, 203-217. Design International series. Franco Angeli. http://ojs.francoangeli.it/_omp/index.php/oa/catalog/book/641
Parisi, S., Rognoli, V. (2021). Design for ICS Materials: the development of tools and methods for the inspiration and ideation phases. In: V. Rognoli, V. Ferraro (Eds), ICS Materials: interactive, connected, and smart materials, 203-217. Design International series. Franco Angeli. http://ojs.francoangeli.it/_omp/index.php/oa/catalog/book/641
Parisi S., Ferraro V. (2021). Mapping ICS Materials: framing the complexity of hybrid material systems. In: V. Rognoli, V. Ferraro (Eds), ICS Materials: interactive, connected, and smart materials, 126-138. Design International series. Franco Angeli. http://ojs.francoangeli.it/_omp/index.php/oa/catalog/book/641
Parisi S., Shetty S. (2020). Alive, Provocative, Surprising: Emotional Dimensions of Bio-Synergistic Materials for Socially Meaningful Design. Diseña, (17), 128-159. http://doi.org/10.7764/disena.17.128-159
Parisi S. (2020). Towards a definition of ICS Materials in Design Education: Approaches in specific teaching methods. In: V. Ferraro, A. Pasold (Eds), Emerging Materials and Technologies: New approaches in Design Teaching Methods on four exemplified areas, 92-104. Design International series. Franco Angeli. http://ojs.francoangeli.it/_omp/index.php/oa/catalog/book/556
Ferraro V., Parisi, S. (2020). What do we need to design innovative teaching methods for ICS Materials in the wearable domain? In: V. Ferraro, A. Pasold (Eds), Emerging Materials and Technologies: New approaches in Design Teaching Methods on four exemplified areas, 115-125. Design International series. Franco Angeli. http://ojs.francoangeli.it/_omp/index.php/oa/catalog/book/556
Parisi S., Ferraro, V. (2020). A Logical Framework for designing with and for Emerging Materials and Technologies (EM&Ts). In: V. Ferraro, A. Pasold (Eds.), Emerging Materials and Technologies: New approaches in Design Teaching Methods on four exemplified area, 153-169. Design International series. Franco Angeli. http://ojs.francoangeli.it/_omp/index.php/oa/catalog/book/556
Ferraro, V., Parisi, S. (2020). Building a unique method to teach how to “design” with and for ICS Materials in the wearable domain. In: T. Ahram, R. Taiar, K. Langlois, A. Choplin (Eds.), Human Interaction, Emerging Technologies and Future Application III, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1253, 238-243. Springer. http://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-55307-4_36
Parisi, S., Holzbach, M., Rognoli, V. (2020). The hybrid dimension of Material Design: two case studies of a Do-It-Yourself approach for the development of Interactive, Connected, and Smart materials. In: W. Karwowski, T. Ahram (Eds), Intelligent Human Systems Integration 2020. IHSI 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1131, 916-921. Springer. http://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-39512-4_140
Varisco, L., Mariani, I., Parisi, S., Stepanovic ,M., Invernizzi, M., Bolzan, P. (2019). InData Envisioning and Prototyping Informed by Data. A Data Scraping and Visualization Tool to Support Design Scenarios. In: T. Ahram, R. Taiar, S. Colson, A. Choplin (Eds), Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies. IHIET 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1018, 441-447. Springer. http://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-25629-6_68
Mariani, I., Parisi, S., Bolzan, P., Stepanovic, M., Invernizzi, M., Varisco, L. (2019). InDATA, Envisioning & Prototyping Informed by Knowledge. Open-Access Data Platform to Support Design Scenarios. In: Proceedings of EDULEARN19 – 11th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, 1-3/07/2019 Palma, Mallorca, Spain. 5696-5705. http://doi.org/10.21125/EDULEARN.2019.1384
Parisi, S., Bionda, A., Ratti, A., Rognoli, V. (2019). The NautICS Materials workshop: teaching and learning Interactive, Connected, and Smart Materials for Yacht Design. In: Proceedings of DRSXLearn 2019, Fifth International Conference for Design Education Researchers “Insider Knowledge”, 9-12 July 2019, Middle East Technical University, Ankara. 565-577. http://doi.org/10.21606/learnxdesign.2019.01094
Parisi, S., Bionda, A., Ratti, A., Rognoli, V. (2019). Design for ICS Materials: A Tentative Methodology for Interactive, Connected, and Smart Materials Applied to Yacht Design. In: W. Karwowski, T. Ahram (Eds). Intelligent Human Systems Integration 2019. IHSI 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 903, 661-667. Springer. http://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-11051-2_100
Parisi, S., Rognoli, V., Spallazzo, D., Petrelli, D. (2018). ICS Materials: Towards a Re-Interpretation of Material Qualities Through Interactive, Connected, and Smart Materials. In: Proceedings of DRS 2018 – Catalyst of Change. University of Limerick, Ireland, 25-28/05/2018. 1747-1761. http://doi.org/10.21606/drs.2018.v4
Parisi, S., Spallazzo, D., Ferraro, V., Ferrara, M., Ceconello, M. A., Ayala-Garcia, C., Rognoli, V. (2018). Mapping ICS Materials: Interactive, Connected, and Smart Materials. In: W. Karwowski, T. Ahram (Eds), Intelligent Human Systems Integration. IHSI 2018. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 722, 739-744. Springer. http://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-73888-8_114
Ferrara, M., Rognoli, V., Arquilla, V., Parisi, S. (2018). Interactive, Connected, Smart materials: ICS materiality. In: W. Karwowski, T. Ahram (Eds), Intelligent Human Systems Integration. IHSI 2018. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 722, 763-769. Springer. http://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-73888-8_118
De Rosa, A., Ayala-Garcia, C., Parisi, S. (2018). The PhD Special Seminar on service design: unfolding a proof of concept. In: Proceedings of ServDes2018 “Service Design Proof of Concept”, 18-20/06/2018, Milano, Italy. 1186-1204. http://servdes.org/conference-2018-milano-2/
Parisi, S., Rognoli, V. (2017). Tinkering with Mycelium. A case study. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Experiential Knowledge and Emerging Materials EKSIG 2017 – “Alive. Active. Adaptive”, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, June 19-20/2017. 66-78. www.eksig.org/PDF/EKSIG2017Proceedings.pdf
Parisi, S., Rognoli V., Sonneveld, M. H. (2017). Material Tinkering. An inspirational approach for experiential learning and envisioning in product design education. The Design Journal, 20:sup1, S1167-S1184. http://doi.org/10.1080/14606925.2017.1353059
Parisi, S., Rognoli, V. (2016). Superfici Imperfette. MD Journal, 1(1), 78-91. http://materialdesign.it/media/formato2/allegati_5814.pdf
Parisi, S., Rognoli, V. (2016). Interaction Matters. A Material Agency’s perspective on Materials Experience. In: Proceedings of 6th STS Italia Conference – “Sociotechnical Environments”, Trento, 24-26/11/2016. 675-692. http://www.stsitalia.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/STSTrento-Proceedings.pdf
Parisi, S., Ayala-Garcia, C., Rognoli, V. (2016). Designing Materials Experiences through Passing of Time. Material Driven Design Method applied to Mycelium-based Composites. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Design & Emotion – “Celebration & Contemplation”, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 27-30. 239-255. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2635726
Rognoli, V., Ayala-Garcia, C., Parisi, S. (2016). The emotional value of Doit-yourself materials. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Design & Emotion – “Celebration & Contemplation”, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 27-30. pp- 633-641. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2635726
Rognoli, V., Ayala Garcia, C., Parisi, S. (2016). The material experiences as DIY-Materials: self production of wool filled starch based composites. In Making Futures Journal, 4. Plymouth College of Arts.