Cleries, L., Rognoli, V., Solanki, S., Llorach, P. (Eds) (2021). Material Designers. Boosting talent towards circular economies, 20-25.

Parisi, S., Bolzan, P., Stepanovic, M., Varisco, L., Mariani, I. (forthcoming, 2021). Between digital and physical. Envisioning and prototyping smart material systems and artifacts from data-informed scenarios. In: Proceedings of Design Culture(s), Cumulus Roma 2021. June 8-11, 2021. Sapienza University of Rome.

Parisi S., Ferraro V. (2021). Mapping ICS Materials: framing the complexity of hybrid material systems. In: V. Rognoli, V. Ferraro (Eds), ICS Materials: interactive, connected, and smart materials, 126-138. Design International series. Franco Angeli.

Parisi, S., Holzbach, M., Rognoli, V. (forthcoming, 2021). Paving the way to post-digital smart materials. Experiments on human perception of a bio-inspired cellulose-based responsive interface. In: Proceedings of Design Culture(s), Cumulus Roma 2021. June 8-11, 2021. Sapienza University of Rome

Parisi, S., Rognoli, V., (2021). Design for ICS Materials: the development of tools and methods for the inspiration and ideation phases. In: V. Rognoli, V. Ferraro (Eds), ICS Materials: interactive, connected, and smart materials, 203-217. Design International series. Franco Angeli.

Rognoli, V., Ferraro, V. (Eds.) (2o21). ICS Materials: interactive, connected, and smart materials, 111-125. Design International series. Franco Angeli.

Rognoli, V., Parisi, S. (2021, forthcoming), DIY-Materials research group: bio-driven material thinking and making. In: A. Arruda (Ed), Incomplete map about creative units in Bionics, Biodesign and Biomimetics. Transdisciplinary aspects for a project culture, 162-187. Blucher.

Rognoli, V., Parisi, S. (2021). Material Tinkering and Creativity. In: L. Cleries, V. Rognoli, S. Solanki, P. Llorach (Eds), Material Designers. Boosting talent towards circular economies, 20-25.

Rognoli, V., Parisi, S. (2021). ICS Materiality: the phenomenon of interactive, connected and smart materials as enablers of new materials experiences. In: V. Rognoli, V. Ferraro (Eds), ICS Materials: interactive, connected, and smart materials, 111-125. Design International series. Franco Angeli.



Ferraro, V., Parisi, S. (2020). Building a unique method to teach how to “design” with and for ICS Materials in the wearable domain. In: T. Ahram, R. Taiar, K. Langlois, A. Choplin (Eds.), Human Interaction, Emerging Technologies and Future Application III, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1253, 238-243. Springer.

Ferraro V., Parisi, S. (2020). What do we need to design innovative teaching methods for ICS Materials in the wearable domain? In: V. Ferraro, A. Pasold (Eds), Emerging Materials and Technologies: New approaches in Design Teaching Methods on four exemplified areas, 115-125. Design International series. Franco Angeli.

Parisi S. (2020). Towards a definition of ICS Materials in Design Education: Approaches in specific teaching methods. In: V. Ferraro, A. Pasold (Eds), Emerging Materials and Technologies: New approaches in Design Teaching Methods on four exemplified areas, 92-104. Design International series. Franco Angeli.

Parisi S., Ferraro, V. (2020). A Logical Framework for designing with and for Emerging Materials and Technologies (EM&Ts). In: V. Ferraro, A. Pasold (Eds.), Emerging Materials and Technologies: New approaches in Design Teaching Methods on four exemplified area, 153-169. Design International series. Franco Angeli.

Parisi, S., Holzbach, M., Rognoli, V. (2020). The hybrid dimension of Material Design: two case studies of a Do-It-Yourself approach for the development of Interactive, Connected, and Smart materials. In: W. Karwowski, T. Ahram (Eds), Intelligent Human Systems Integration 2020. IHSI 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1131, 916-921. Springer.

Parisi S., Shetty S. (2020). Alive, Provocative, Surprising: Emotional Dimensions of Bio-Synergistic Materials for Socially Meaningful Design. Diseña, (17), 128-159.



Parisi, S., Bionda, A., Ratti, A., Rognoli, V. (2019). The NautICS Materials workshop: teaching and learning Interactive, Connected, and Smart Materials for Yacht Design. In: Proceedings of DRSXLearn 2019, Fifth International Conference for Design Education Researchers “Insider Knowledge”, 9-12 July 2019, Middle East Technical University, Ankara. 565-577.

Parisi, S., Bionda, A., Ratti, A., Rognoli, V. (2019). Design for ICS Materials: A Tentative Methodology for Interactive, Connected, and Smart Materials Applied to Yacht Design. In: W. Karwowski, T. Ahram (Eds). Intelligent Human Systems Integration 2019. IHSI 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 903, 661-667. Springer.


Camere, S., & Karana, E. (2018). Fabricating materials from living organisms: An emerging design practice. Journal of Cleaner Production186(2018), 570-584. 

Ferrara, M., Rognoli, V., Arquilla, V., Parisi, S. (2018). Interactive, Connected, Smart materials: ICS materiality. In: W. Karwowski, T. Ahram (Eds), Intelligent Human Systems Integration. IHSI 2018. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 722, 763-769. Springer.

Karana, E., Blauwhoff, D., Hultink, H.J., Camere, S. (2018). When the material grows: A Case study on designing (with) mycelium-based materials. In Int. J. Design.

Parisi, S., Rognoli, V., Spallazzo, D., Petrelli, D. (2018). ICS Materials: Towards a Re-Interpretation of Material Qualities Through Interactive, Connected, and Smart Materials. In: Proceedings of DRS 2018 – Catalyst of Change. University of Limerick, Ireland, 25-28/05/2018. 1747-1761.

Parisi, S., Spallazzo, D., Ferraro, V., Ferrara, M., Ceconello, M. A., Ayala-Garcia, C., Rognoli, V. (2018). Mapping ICS Materials: Interactive, Connected, and Smart Materials. In: W. Karwowski, T. Ahram (Eds), Intelligent Human Systems Integration. IHSI 2018. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 722, 739-744. Springer.

Rognoli, V., Ayala-Garcia, C. (2018). Materia emocional. Los materiales en nuestra relación emocional con los objetos. (Emotional Matter. Materials in our emotional relationship with objects). In RCHD: CREACIÓN Y PENSAMIENTO.

Rognoli, V., Celi, M. I materiali dopo la modernità: visioni distopiche di futuro come un innesco per nuove esperienze materiche. (Materials after modernity: dystopian glances of the future as an inspiration for new material experiences). In DIID: DISEGNO INDUSTRIALE INDUSTRIAL DESIGN.

Zhou, Z., Rognoli, V., Ayala-Garcia, C. (2018). Educating designers through Materials Club. Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’18),




Ayala-Garcia, C., Rognoli, V. (2017) The New Aesthetic of DIY-Materials,The Design Journal, 20:sup1, S375-S389

Ayala-Garcia, C., Rognoli, V., Karana, E. (2017). Five Kingdoms of DIY Materials for Design. In Alive. Active. Adaptive: Proceedings of International Conference on Experiential Knowledge and Emerging Materials (EKSIG 2017), June 19-20, Delft, the Netherlands, pp. 222-234.

Barati, B., Karana, E., Foole, M. (2017). Experience Prototyping’ Smart Material Composites. In Alive. Active. Adaptive: Proceedings of International Conference on Experiential Knowledge and Emerging Materials (EKSIG 2017), June 19-20, Delft, the Netherlands, pp. 50-65.

Camere, S., Karana, E. (2017). Growing Materials for Product Design. In Alive. Active. Adaptive: Proceedings of International Conference on Experiential Knowledge and Emerging Materials (EKSIG 2017), June 19-20, Delft, the Netherlands, pp. 101-115.

Camere S. and Karana E. (under review, available upon request). Fabricating materials from living organisms: an emerging design practice. Journal article.

Camere S., Karana E. et al. (in preparation, available upon request). Fabrication and characterization of mycelium based composites. Journal article.

Jansen, K., Claus, S., Barati, B. (2017). Designing of a semi-transparent Electroluminescent Umbrella. In Proceedings of Smart System Integration.

Karana, E., Blauwhoff, D., Hultink, E. J., Camere, S. (under review). When The Material Grows: A Case Of Material Driven Design. Journal article.

Karana, E., Giaccardi, E., Rognoli, V. (2017) Materially Yours. In book: Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Product Design, Publisher: Routledge, Ed. Jonathan Chapman, pp.206-221

Majumdar, P., Karana, E., Ghazal, S., Sonneveld, M.H. (2017). The Plastic Bakery: A case of material driven design. In Alive. Active. Adaptive: Proceedings of International Conference on Experiential Knowledge and Emerging Materials (EKSIG 2017), June 19-20, Delft, the Netherlands, pp. 116-128.

Majumdar, P., & Banerjee, S. (2017). The Challenges to Sustainable Growth of the Micro Scale Kuhila Craft Industry in India (6th International Conference on Research and Design, iCoRD’17)

Majumdar, P., Ji, S., & Banerjee, S. (2017). Disconnect between Consumer Preferences of Young-Urban Buyers and the Value Proposition of the Rattan and Bamboo Furniture Industry in Assam (6th International Conference on Research and Design, iCoRD’17)

Parisi, S., Rognoli, V. (2017). Tinkering with Mycelium. A case study. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Experiential Knowledge and Emerging Materials EKSIG 2017 – “Alive. Active. Adaptive”, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, June 19-20/2017. 66-78.

Parisi, S., Rognoli V., Sonneveld, M. H. (2017). Material Tinkering. An inspirational approach for experiential learning and envisioning in product design education. The Design Journal, 20:sup1, S1167-S1184.

Petreca, B., Saito, C., Yu, X., Bianchini-Berthouse, N., Brown, A., Cox, J., Glancy, M., Bauerley, S. (2017). Radically Relational: Using Textiles As A Platform ToDevelop Methods For Embodied Design Processes. In Alive. Active. Adaptive: Proceedings of International Conference on Experiential Knowledge and Emerging Materials (EKSIG 2017), June 19-20, Delft, the Netherlands, pp. 261-274.

Rognoli, V., Ayala-Garcia, C. (2017) Material Activism. New hybrid scenarios between design and technology. Cuadernos 70 Journal, Universidad de Palermo, N 70-2018 pp. 105-115 ISSN 1668-0227.

Rognoli, V., Ayala-Garcia, C., Bengo, I. (2017) DIY-Materials as enabling agents of innovative social practices and future social business in: Proceedings of International Congress of Design FORMA 2017, Cuba. (On Press).

Sauerwein, M., Karana, E., Rognoli, V. (2017) Revived Beauty: Research into Aesthetic Appreciation of Materials to Valorise Materials from Waste in Sustainability 9(4), 529. April 2017.

Jansen, K., Claus, S., Barati, B. (2017). Designing of a semi-transparent Electroluminescent Umbrella. In Proceedings of Smart System Integration.

Karana, E., Blauwhoff, D., Hultink, E. J., Camere, S. (in preparation, available upon request), When The Material Grows: A Case Of Material Driven Design.


Barati, B., Karana, E., Jansen, K., & Hekkert, P. (2016, February). Functional Demonstrators to Support Understanding of Smart Materials. In Proceedings of the TEI’16: Tenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (pp. 386-391). ACM.

Camere, S., Schifferstein, H.N.J. & Bordegoni, M. (2016). Materializing experiential visions into sensory properties. The use of the Experience Map. In Proceedings of Design and Emotion 2016, September 27-30 (pp.201-210) (Best Paper Award)

Karana E., Pedgley O., Rognoli V., Korsunsky, A. (2016). Emerging Material Experiences, The Journal of Materials and Design, 90: 1248–1250. 

Karana, E., Giaccardi, E., Stamhuis, N., Goossensen, J., (2016), The Tuning Of Materials: A Designer’s Journey. In the Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS), Pages 619-631, Brisbane, Australia. (Best Paper Award)

Krista, O., Karana, E., Soto-Faraco, S. (2016). Perception of Naturalness in Textiles, The Journal of Materials and Design, 90: 1192–1199. 

Parisi, S., Rognoli, V. (2016). Superfici Imperfette. MD Journal, 1(1), 78-91.

Parisi, S., Rognoli, V. (2016). Interaction Matters. A Material Agency’s perspective on Materials Experience. In: Proceedings of 6th STS Italia Conference – “Sociotechnical Environments”, Trento, 24-26/11/2016. 675-692.

Parisi, S., Ayala-Garcia, C., Rognoli, V. (2016). Designing Materials Experiences through Passing of Time. Material Driven Design Method applied to Mycelium-based Composites. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Design & Emotion – “Celebration & Contemplation”, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 27-30. 239-255.                        

Robbins, H., Giaccardi, E., Karana, E., (2016), Traces as an approach to Design for Focal Things and Practices, NordiCHI ’16, October 23 – 27, Gothenburg, Sweden. ACM, 2016. DOI: 10.1145/2971485.2971538. 

Robbins, Holly; Elisa Giaccardi; and Elvin Karana. “Politics of Impermanence: Traces of Use as a Design Strategy for Technologies.” Workshop: Things Fall Apart; Unpacking the Temporalities of Impermanence for HCI. NordiCHI’16: 11th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. October 24, 2016, Gothenburg, Sweden. ACM, 2016

Rognoli, V., Ayala-Garcia, C., Parisi, S. (2016). The emotional value of Doit-yourself materials. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Design & Emotion – “Celebration & Contemplation”, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 27-30. pp- 633-641.

Rognoli, V., Ayala Garcia, C., Parisi, S. (2016). The material experiences as DIY-Materials: self production of wool filled starch based composites. In Making Futures Journal, 4. Plymouth College of Arts.


Ayala, C. (2015)“The Basis of Processes – Experimenting with Food to Re-Shape the Industry Language” In: Cumulus Milan-The Virtuous Circle Proceedings (pp.84) ISBN: 978-88-386-7485-3

Barati, B., Karana, E., & Hekkert, P., Jönsthövel, I. (2015, November). Designing with an Underdeveloped Computational Composite for Materials Experience. In Proceedings of EKSIG 2015: Experiential Knowledge Special Interest Group.

Barati, B., Karana, E, Hekkert, P. (2015, October). From Way Finding in the Dark to Interactive CPR Trainer: Designing with Computational Composites. In Proceedings of DesForm 2015.

Barati, B., Karana, E., Sekulovski, D., & Pont, S. C. (2015). Retail lighting and textiles: Designing a lighting probe set. Lighting Research and Technology, 1-22.

Giaccardi, E., Karana, E. (2015). Foundations of Materials Experience: An Approach for HCI. In Proceedings of CHI 2015. Seoul, South Korea. ACM Press: 2447-2456. (S)

Karana, E., Barati, B., Rognoli, V., & Zeeuw Van Der Laan, A. (2015). Material driven design (MDD): A method to design for material experiences. International journal of design, 19 (2) 2015.

Karana E., Pedgley O., Rognoli V., (2015). On Materials Experience. Design Issues. Volume 31, Number 3, Summer 2015. (S)

Pedgley, O., Rognoli, V., Karana, E., (2015). Materials Experience as a Foundation for Materials and Design Education. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, August 2015: 1-18.

Robbins, H., Giaccardi, E., Karana, E., D’Olivio. (2015). Understanding and Designing with (and for) Material Traces. Journal of Studies in Material Thinking. Volume 13, Paper 3. (S)               

Robbins, Holly; Elisa Giaccardi; and Elvin Karana. “De-Commodifying the Device: A Materialist Design Approach for Communication With and Through Connected Objects.” Workshop: The Future of Making: Where Industrial and Personal Fabrication Meet. Critical Alternatives 2015. Aarhus, Denmark. August 2015. 

Rognoli, V., Bianchini, M., Maffei, S., Karana, E. (2015). DIY Materials. The Journal of Materials and Design, 86: 692-702. (S)

Rognoli V., (2015). Dynamism and imperfection as emerging materials experiences. A case study. In: Proceedings of DesForm 2015 – Aesthetics of Interaction: Dynamic, Multisensory, Wise. 9th International Conference on Design and Semantics of Form and Movement, Politecnico di Milano, IT; 10/2015

Rognoli, V., Ayala, C., Parisi, S. (2015).“The material experiences as DIY-Materials: self production of wool filled starch based composite (NeWool)” In: Making Futures Journal Vol IV, Plymouth College of Art. ISSN 2042-1664  


Ayala, C. Patiño, L. (2014) “Estrategias para mejorar las prácticas de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de los materiales y los procesos para el diseño de productos en colombia”. Revista MasD N°14, Vol. 8 (ISSN 2027-095X) 

Ayala, C. (2014). “Experimenting With Materials – A Source For Designers To Give Meaning To New Applications” In: The colors of care: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Design and Emotion 2014 (pp. 408-417). ISBN: 978-958-774-070-7

De Pauw, I., Karana, E., Kandachar, P.V, (2014), Assessing Sustainability in Nature-Inspired Design, Journal of Sustainable Engineering, 8: 5-13.

De Pauw, I., Karana, E., Kandachar, P.V., Poppelaars, F. (2014), Comparing Biomimicry and Cradle to Cradle with Ecodesign: a Case Study of Student Design Projects, The Journal of Cleaner Production, 78: 174–183.

Giaccardi, E., Karana, E., Robbins, H., D’Olivio. (2014). Growing Traces on Objects of Daily Use: A Product Design Perspective for HCI. The ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS): 473-482. (S) (Honorable Mention)

Hekkert, P. and Karana, E., (2014). Designing Material Experience. Materials Experience: Fundamentals of Materials and Design, 1st Ed., Editors: E. Karana, O. Pedgley, V. Rognoli, Butterworth-Heinemann: Elsevier, UK: 3-11.

Karana, E., Nijkamp, N. (2014), Fiberness, reflectiveness and roughness in the characterization of natural and high quality materials, The Journal of Cleaner Production, 68: 252–260. (S)

Karana E., Pedgley O., Rognoli V., (2014). Materials Experience: Fundamentals of Materials and Design, 1st Ed., Butterworth-Heinemann: Elsevier, UK. (376 pages) (S)

Karana E., Pedgley O., Rognoli V., (2014). Introduction to Materials Experience, In Materials Experience: Fundamentals of Materials and Design, 1st Ed., Editors: E. Karana, O. Pedgley, V. Rognoli, Butterworth-Heinemann: Elsevier, UK: xxv-xxxiii. (S)

Lussenburg, K., Van Der Velden, N., Doubrovski, Z., Geraedts, J., Karana, E. (2014). Designing with 3D Printed Textiles: A case study of Material Driven Design. In the Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Additive Technologies, Vienna. 

Rognoli V., and Karana, E., (2014). Towards a New Materials Aesthetic Based on Imperfection and Graceful Ageing, In Materials Experience: Fundamentals of Materials and Design, 1st Ed., Editors: E. Karana, O. Pedgley, V. Rognoli, Butterworth-Heinemann: Elsevier, UK: 145-153. (S)


De Pauw I., Karana E, Kandachar, P.V. (2013), Cradle to Cradle in Product Development: A Case Study of Closed-Loop Design. In the Proceedings of the 20th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering; pg. 37-52.

Muñoz, L., Ayala, C. (2013)“Estudio De La Compatibilidad Geométrica De Sub-Sistemas Para El Diseño De Un Vehículo Híbrido Todoterreno” Scientia Et Technica v.18 (pp.321 – 326), ISSN: 0122-1701


De Pauw I., Kandachar P., Karana E., (2012), Nature-inspired design strategies in sustainable product development: a case-study of student projects, In the Proceedings of Design 2012, International Conference, Cavtat, Croatia.

Karana, E., (2012), Characterization of ‘natural’ and ‘high-quality’ materials to improve perception of bio-plastics, The Journal of Cleaner Production, 37: 316-325. (S)

Mink S., Karana E., (2012), Ape & Banana: A new user experience for collecting bio-based disposables at festivals, In the Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Design & Emotion, London, UK

Spitas C., Badke-Schaub P., Spitas V., Rajabalinejad M., Karana E. (2012), Creating a research environment for the evaluation of design education in embodiment design, In the Proceedings of Design 2012, International Conference, Cavtat, Croatia.

Taekema J., Karana E., (2012), Creating awareness on natural fibre composites in design, In the Proceedings of Design 2012, International Conference, Cavtat, Croatia. (S)


Ayala, C. Quijano, A, Ruge, C. (2011) “Los materiales como medio para estimular procesos de creación” Dearq v.8 (pp.44 – 53), ISSN: 2011-3188

Karana, E. (2011). Materials Selection in Design: From Research to Education, The 1st International Symposium of CUMULUS Association and DRS for Design Education Researchers, Paris, France.

Rognoli V., Karana E. & Pedgley O. (2011), Natural fibre composites in product design: an investigation into material perception and acceptance, In the proceedings of International Conference on Designing Pleasurable Products and Interfaces (DPPI), 22-25 June, Milan.